
Temperance regulates our sensual desires, granting us the ability to enjoy good things, primarily food, drink and sex, in the proper way and proportion. We should always eat healthy meals, not too much or eaten too fast. Christ goes further in revealing the perfected view of temperance: He fasts. Fasting is not solely for the betterment of our body, but for our soul and the souls of others. Fasting done well is a powerful weapon against the devil (cf. Matthew 17:21)

Christ elevates temperance in the sphere of human sexuality by the calling souls to celibacy (cf. Mt 19). What a beautiful sign to confirm the distinction between pleasure and happiness. The countless happy and holy Priests and religious brothers and sisters I know are a reminder to me and the world that God is the ultimate source of happiness, not pleasure seeking.

The virtuous life may seem intimidating because we assume that God looks only at a finished product. Since we are so far away from that and have such flaws, we get discouraged. This is the wrong mindset, however. God sees things differently, and the advice from the Scriptures and the saints is helpful: its in the striving that we’re arriving! God wants to see our efforts. He brings the virtue, but only when he sees we’re ready. That readiness can come at any time as He doesn’t reveal what He’s looking for, only that He wants us to begin again after falling. So, today, be encouraged with your own growth in Temperance. The goal is effort fueled by love. Temperance reminds us that the adventure in life is not found in pleasure, but in pursuit of God. As GK Chesterton said: “Let Your Religion Be Less of a Theory and More of a Love Affair!” 


Overcoming Pride


Apparition of the Sacred Heart