Overcoming Pride

Every sin is a sin of Pride

a.      Because pride = pursuing a good we have no business pursuing

                                                    i.     Pride is a turning towards a good that distracts us from the ultimate good, God, the only good who can give us happiness.

                                                   ii.     Pride is saying, “I reject the Good that You Are. I want this good instead. I don’t want to be happy like this. I want to be happy like that.”

1.      And it doesn’t work. It’s not how we were made. So pride always ends in frustration and dissatisfaction.

Magnanimity and Humility

a.      How do we fight pride, then? Primarily through two virtues:

                                                    i.     The one is Magnanimity

1.      This is the virtue that keeps us focused on the greatness, the goodness and the happiness, that we’re actually called to.

2.      The good we’re called to pursue is holiness, sanctity, perfection, union with God.   That’s got to be the ultimate focus of everything we do

                                                                                                   ii.     The other is Humility

1.      This is the virtue that prevents us from getting distracted by false goods.

2.      It’s the virtue that says – “If this word or thought or act can’t be directed to God, then I have no business pursuing it. And I’m not going to.”

So the one virtue keeps your eyes on the prize, and the other resists any prideful distractions



