Divine Peace and Casting Off Fear


Peace and the casting off all fear begins by recalling a fundamental truth that God the Father Almighty governs and protects the whole universe through His angels. They know exactly what is going on in the world and they carry out God’s plan. Neither the devil nor the demons nor power hungry evil people rule the world, but God and His angels. Peace and the casting off all fear is grounded in this fact.

There are nine groups of angels that rule the universe by God’s authority - three “hierarchies” of Angels with three “choirs” within each hierarchy

1.  The Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Thrones.

2.  Then come the Dominions, Virtues, and Powers.

3.  Followed by the Principalities, the Archangels, and the Angels.

The first and highest hierarchy - the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Thrones, have the task of contemplating God in his infinite goodness, and to contemplate the proper goal of all things of God and his creation.

The second or middle hierarchy of Angels - the Dominions, Virtues, and Powers, have the God-given task to receive divine truth from the first hierarchy, and to govern the material world based on that knowledge.

The third or lowest hierarchy of Angels - the Principalities, the Archangels, and the Angels, have the function of receiving knowledge from the second hierarchy on what is to be done and to carry it out, particularly as it affects us the realm of humans. 

Each one of us in turn has been entrusted to the care of a guardian angel. God’s plan is for us to be guided and protected by them. The problem is – we rarely pay attention to their help.


The angels know reality, they know what is going on in the world, and they know what God wants done and they carry it out on his behalf. The angels also know what the devil and all demons are doing. They know every move of the enemy. And they angels know what every human is doing or scheming.

Now, it is natural to want to know and understand what is going on in the world so that we can avoid dangers and capitalize on opportunities. So where do we turn to know reality – to know what is? We turn to the news which is probably the most unreliable way to know the truth. We should instead be turning to our guardian angels to whom God has entrusted us. Think about that. The angels know perfectly what is happening in the world, what the will of God is and what we should be doing. Instead of turning to them we turn to the news. Pretty smart right.


Dr. Mark Miravalle, in his book Time to Meet the Angels, shares in the insights of a mystic who relates what Jesus wants us to know about the Angels. I shared some of this recently and now a bit more. To this mystic Jesus said: Yes, it is true. The beings of the Light surround My little soldiers. And if you ask for more help, you will receive more help. There is no question of My remnant being abandoned. The only thing that hampers heavenly assistance is a lack of faith on the part of My children. When faith is weak, souls fear they are vulnerable. This fear can be exploited by those who would like to see souls turn away from Me and turn back to the world. You must be very determined to walk My path during this time of transition. I am relying on My children to salvage as many brothers and sisters as possible through their work with Me. Be confident in the ones who surround you, the angels. They are your assistants, so to speak. Treat them with the greatest of love and respect, often acknowledging their presence.

You do this through little prayers, perhaps prayers thanking God for sending you such an honor guard. You do this when you are in a situation where you do not know what to do or what to say. You can then say, “Angels from heaven, direct my path.” This prayer is short and yet you are asking for clear direction to the heavenly course. This is a powerful and pleasing prayer and I will give great graces to the answering of this prayer. Use this often throughout your day and you will not be disappointed in the help you will receive through it. Just as the saints have enhanced powers during this time, so do the angels. You will want to use everything at your disposal and you will truly become an invincible servant of God. I intend great holiness for all who answer My call.


We want to know things that go well beyond our scope of responsibility and authority. It has not been entrusted to you to govern the world. That is the role of the angels. Leave it to them to do their job and you stay focused on what God has entrusted to you: the care of your soul – by prayer, receiving the sacraments, doing the right thing, avoiding sin; as well as the care of your body; the care of you family, the work God has entrusted to you and the inspirations to follow; the pleasures to delight in; the suffering to endure; and the times we are called not to act, when we must wait patiently and let God act while He takes care of everything.  

Reflect during this decade on the things that steal your peace. Are these things within your scope of authority to control or has God placed these under the responsibility of the angels. From now on, You do your job and let the Angels do theirs and learn to rely on them. It takes much less energy.


The angels know what you need to know and do. So shut off the news and social media. Consecrate your life to the angels – give them permission to light and guard, rule and guide you. Look at Joseph. He had no CNN, no social media, no spies, no informants – and God sent an angel to tell him exactly what to do and when to do it and Joseph lived in peace.

Develop a friendship with your guardian angel, cultivate an awareness of his presence, talk to him constantly and pay close attention to his guidance and you experience Peace and the casting off all fear.



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