Three Steps to Make a Good Decision

Prudence is the art of making good decisions.

There are three steps to prudence: deliberate, that is, gather all the relevant information and weigh the pros and cons. Then make a decision. Finally, take action and follow through to the end.

There are three dangers to avoid: Being rash, that is the failure think before you act, look before you leap; the second danger is to be indecisive. You can gather all the relevant info but get paralyzed when it comes to making a choice. The third danger is to be irresolute. You can get all the facts, make a choice but you struggle to put your resolutions into action and follow through. Which danger do you fall into?

Are you rash, do you leap before you look? Are you indecisive and get paralysis by analysis? Or are you irresolute – you can make a choice, but you struggle to follow through and fulfill your resolutions? Once you identify your weakness, make the conscious decision to work on that area of prudence, and by practice and grace you will improve, it will get easier and you will grow in the art of making good decisions.


When Not to Make a Decision


Loving Our Mothers