Miracles, Reality, and Worry

When we are overwhelmed by anger, fear or worry we need to get back to reality. And reality is this: Jesus, who healed the sick, calmed the storm at sea, drove out the demons and raised the dead to life is the Good God who created a good world, and He is guiding all things to a good conclusion. He’s got your back. You can trust in Him. Still, we worry. So we need a strategy to overcome worry and learn to trust in Jesus.

             i.        Identify your specific source of worry. Are we worried about future things that almost never happen; or things over which we have no control; or things we have been procrastinating. What is the specific cause of worry?

           ii.        Take some pressure off, Lower the stakes

We make the stakes way bigger than they really are. Most likely, the thing we are worrying about probably won’t kill us or anyone else.

          iii.        Failure is good. We have the false idea that failure is bad, even deadly and this becomes a cause of anxiety. We must fail to grow. The only way we grow is to try things we haven’t mastered. This entails risk. If we play it safe all the time – it will be impossible for us to grow. There is no failure – there is only learning.

        iv.        Live in the present moment. So slow down. Focus on what can and must be done today. Make a plan for the near future. But once you make your plan – quit living in the future and just do the next right step today.

Remember, you are in the hands of a good God, who created a good world and He is guiding absolutely everything to the best of all endings.

Do what you can; surrender the rest to him!


Parable of the Sower


The Grain of Wheat