Love Your Enemies

Jesus says love your enemies.

But I don’t have any enemies. No one is trying to kill me.

Well, do you have people that are difficult in your life?

Well, sure, we all have people in our lives that range somewhere from challenging to toxic, people we expect to be a help to us, but instead they make our lives difficult, and we are mad at them.

Love them.

“Well, I can’t, because they should be helping me and they’re not.”

The problem is not these people. The problem is our expectation. We expect them to be a help and not a hindrance to our life.

So, lower the expectation - Think of them as your enemies.

As enemies, they’re not really that bad. I really doubt any of them are trying to kill you. Or if they have, I suppose they’re really not that good at it. So can you love them as an enemy? Well, yeah, for an enemy they’re pretty easy to deal with.


The Root of All Evil


Turn the Other Cheek