Jesus Calls His First Disciple

After the temptations, Jesus begins to call his first disciples and in John 1:45-51 we see Philip lead Nathaniel to Jesus.

It says…Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, the one about whom the prophets wrote: he is Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth.’

However, Many of us think it is not our job to lead people to Jesus.

We may think it is the job of the Church or the priest or some program.

The fact is: People come to God through other people – usually people they know, people whom they trust, and most importantly people who have delighted in them.

Many people do not think their lives are of great value. They find it hard to believe that God delights in them.

They need to know from some human that they have value before they will believe God thinks they are valuable. So that is the first step in our mission. Show people their worth by delighting in them. When you are with another person, be interested in their life and express to them that you think it is fantastic just being with them. Start with the people closest to you. Lets practice appreciation rather than annoyance.

Be apostles of delight.


The Excessive Catch


The Kingdom of God