How to Preserve Your Peace

Today we’re going to talk about three vices that cause us to go crazy when the world goes crazy: the vices of curiosity, vanity and greed.

Firstly, the English word “curiosity” means an aptitude for wonder that motivates us to seek and grow in knowledge. That is a good thing.

Curiositas is the vice of investigating what does not concern you. The vice of curiositas causes us to be addicted to unimportant information or things that aren’t good for us because they distract from what we should pay attention to.

Secondly, vanity is the disordered preoccupation with self-image.

Life becomes stressful when you feel the need to constantly prove yourself.

But if it doesn’t matter what people think of you then we don’t need to care what way the winds of change are blowing.

Magnanimity is the virtue that conquers vanity. It’s the virtue that causes you to pursue what is honorable rather than honor.

And thirdly, Greed is the disordered preoccupation with money and materials.

We fear that the world will change suddenly and we will become poorer.

We conquer greed by the virtue of simplicity. How much do I need to live a good life, a life of dignity?

I need a roof over my head, food, good friends, knowledge, exercise and beauty. But if you have that, then what are you afraid of?

What vice is keeping you from peace? Whatever it is, remember that God is your Father. Things may be out of your control, but they’re always in his control. Be at peace.


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