Hope Is Reaching Your Potential

Hope is the realization of and the full commitment to reaching your full potential.

Hope says, the human person is capable of great things and I dedicate myself to that love, that genius, that heroism, that happiness and that holiness.

It means recognizing that we are designed to develop from mere human persons to sons and daughters of God.

Right now, we stand halfway between what we will be forever – a demon or a son of God. On earth, our character is not set yet. You’re currently in the process of becoming what you will be for all eternity. So what do you want to be forever? A demon or a son of God?

If we have hope then we recognize our potential and that of every other person and we commit to that potential. Once we believe it’s possible, hope motivates us to pursue virtue and avoid mediocrity.

Like the body, the soul’s nature is to develop toward its goal – perfect holiness with God in heaven. To settle for less than becoming a saint is to not only stifle but to warp or break the soul like forcing a kid to wear too small of shoes as he grows. Without hope, we don’t believe we can become saints, we don’t give ourselves the room to grow, and we diminish ourselves.

The key to virtue, then, is to order everything in your life toward hope, toward the goal of becoming a great saint.

At every moment you have to ask yourself, what am I becoming? And what can I become with God?


St. James the Less


St. Joseph the Worker