Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday

Jesus is not a mythical figure, and the events of Holy Week are not a legend.

Jesus is real and He is God, and God is eternal. To be eternal means for God there is no past nor future – there is only the present moment. Therefore, every event from the life of Jesus remains present. The place this truth strikes me most is the Garden of Gethsemane. With each pilgrimage I lead to the Holy Land we have a Eucharistic Holy Hour in the Garden of Gethsemane with the Eucharist placed in a Monstrance on the rock of agony where Jesus prostrate himself in prayer, where he sweat blood and where the angel came to minister to him.

On Holy Thursday night, just before His Crucifixion, what Jesus wanted, what he needed most were just a few friends who would keep him company during his agony in the Garden. But they fell asleep and abandoned him and he was left all alone. Because Jesus is eternal – He is still in the Garden - all alone… you and I can go there at any moment, sit down with him, keep him company and console his sorrowful heart. It only takes a choice, an act of the will to say, “Jesus I am entering the Garden of Gethsemane to be with you. Jesus, I can’t change your suffering, but I will stay with you and make up for all those who abandoned you.” If you have trouble spending time in prayer – just go sit with him in the Garden of Gethsemane, be with Him, console His Heart. Go there now and sit next to Him in this decade of the Rosary.



Good Friday


Wednesday of Holy Week