Hallowed Be Thy Name

In the Our Father, Jesus teaches to ask for seven things.

The First thing we ask is “Hallowed be thy Name.” Let your name be holy.

What are we asking for here? That God be more holy? That doesn’t sound right.

·       God can’t be more Holy

·       And His name cannot become more Holy

·       However, those who bear His Name, those who call themselves “Christian” can certainly become more holy

With this Prayer we are asking God to make us Holy, to make us saints.  

What is the goal of your life?

Most Christians would say it’s to get to heaven.

But the Catechism says Heaven does not mean a place but a way of being like God.

For the Bible tells us we shall be like him because we shall see him as he really is. 1 John 3:2

If Heaven is to be like God, and our goal is to get to Heaven, then I guess our goal IS to be like God, it is to be Holy, to be a Saint.

If your destination is heaven and to be in heaven is to be holy, then it is our calling, and we must begin our preparation now.


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Thy Will Be Done