God is Our Father

Jesus taught us the Our Father. Well, what kind of Father is God?

God is the kind of Father who will make us into something so great that it is beyond our wildest imagination. He will make us like Himself, like God. But it will take suffering because we must be totally undone to be totally remade like him.

God showed Jeremiah what type of Father He was. Jeremiah writes: “So I went down to the potter's house; and there he was, working at the wheel. And whenever the vessel he was making came out wrong, as happens with the clay handled by potters, he would start afresh and work it into another vessel, as potters do.”

God is the Divine Artist, and we are His masterpiece. God has made us in His image. We are the picture of God. But He will not be satisfied, He will not stop until we are really like Him, until we share in His Life, His Being, His Attributes and His way of Living. For we are invited to put on Christ and become like God.

C.S. Lewis writes: “It is natural for us to wish that God had designed for us a less glorious and less arduous destiny; but then we are wishing not for more love but for less.”

Father, you know I struggle with trust in you. Please increase my trust.


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